Ubika Technology 20 Powers Past its Benchmarks


Our Ubika Technology 20 Index of Canadian tech stocks soared nearly 25% during the past six weeks

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The Ubika Technology 20 Index has returned 24.5% since our last report dated September 18, 2017, outperforming its benchmarks, the TSX-V and TSX Capped Information Technology Indices, which returned 2.1% and 4.3%, respectively, over the same period. Notable performers for this report include:

  • Glance Technologies Inc. (CSE:GET), which increased 280% following the Company’s partnership with Netcoins to incorporate cryptocurrencies onto its platform.
  • Redknee Solutions Inc. (TSX:RKN), which increased 43% as the new management’s restructuring plans continue to materialize.
  • BSM Technologies Inc. (TSX:GPS), which decreased 11% as it reported another Net Loss for the quarter, and disclosed expectations of higher costs in the near future.

Disclosure: Neither the author nor any of the principals at SmallCapPower, or their family members, own units in any of the companies mentioned above.

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