Four Small Cap Growth Stock Ideas for Do-it-Yourself Investors: Capital Ideas TV


Capital Ideas TV host Mark Bunting also reveals some recent insider buying and 52-week highs and lows, in addition to his small cap growth stock ideas

SmallCapPower partner Capital Ideas presents the fourth episode of Capital Ideas TV with four small cap growth stock ideas. In this edition, Capital Ideas Research Publisher Mark Bunting talks to the CEO of Pioneering Technology Corporation (TSXV: PTE), which grew its year-over-year revenue last quarter at an 80% pace. Mark also sits down with the CEO of Drone Delivery Canada (CSE: FLT), which plans to be the “first and only” drone delivery company in Canada. We hear from Doug Janzen, who built Cardiome Pharma into a billion dollar company. He’s looking to do it again with Aequus Pharmaceuticals Inc. (TSXV: AQS). And the CEO of Solar Alliance Energy, Inc. (TSXV: SAN) on an acquisition, a joint venture and why actor William Shatner is backing them.

Disclosure: Neither the author nor any of the principals at Small Cap Power, or their family members, own shares in any of the companies mentioned above.

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