Ubika Technology 20 Beats Its Benchmarks


NeuLion, Inc. (TSX:NLN) tops the Ubika Technology 20 Index with a 100% gain

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The Ubika Technology 20 Index has stayed flat since our last report dated February 20, 2018, outperforming its benchmarks, the TSX-V and TSX Capped Information Technology Indices, which fell 3.3% and 1.0%, respectively, over the same period. Notable performers for this report include:

  1. Intrinsyc Corp. (TSX:ITC), which rose 8% following the launch of new products and strong earnings
  2. Opsens Inc. (TSX:OPS), which slipped 10% due to below-consensus Q1 results
  3. theScore Inc. (TSXV:SCR), which climbed 20% due to a strong earnings report 

Disclosure: Neither the author nor his family own shares in any of the companies mentioned above.

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