Lithium, Cobalt Stocks Climb Despite a Potential Lithium-Ion Battery Challenger


Lithium and cobalt stocks in our Ubika Battery Metals index have gained 11% since early July

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Both lithium and cobalt companies in the Ubika Battery Metals index have gained 11% since our last report dated July 4th, 2017. This compares to the TSX-V, which remained virtually unchanged over the same period. Both lithium and cobalt stocks have likely risen due to institutional funds flowing into lithium/cobalt companies following sustained investor sentiment about the bright future for electric vehicles. This report is highlighted by a discussion of the alkaline battery, which tech industry veteran Bill Joy thinks can replace the lithium-ion battery, as well as discussion of three companies that have seen their stock price move the most since our last report: Lithium Americas Corp (TSX: LAC), Lundin Mining (TSX: LUN), and FMC Corp (NYSE: FMC).

Disclosure: Neither the author nor any of the principals at Small Cap Power, or their family members, own shares in any of the companies mentioned above.

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