Energy stock pick is a Montney play transitioning into a producer
SmallCapPower | November 4, 2016: Energy stocks have been volatile during the past ...
It has been an interesting quarter so far for Canadian earnings and we fully expect the fireworks to continue
Ryan Modesto | November 3, 2016 | 5i R...
Canadian marijuana stocks have been hot so far in 2016
SmallCapPower | October 28, 2016: Marijuana stocks in Canada have been smoking hot in 2016. Ba...
Gianni Kovacevic explains why copper is the up and coming metal at Mines and Money Americas
SmallCapPower | September 30, 2016: With all the recent t...
One stock that he was pounding the table at 15, 20, 25 cents is now trading close to $3
SmallCapPower | September 29, 2016: SmallCapPower spoke recen...
Conference is expected to be second only to the PDAC convention in Toronto
SmallCapPower | September 27, 2016: Toronto is currently playing host to i...
eCommerce play has been compared to
SmallCapPower | September 23, 2016: Mining stocks aren’t the only equities grabbing investors’ attenti...
Newsletter writer also talks about the junior resource stocks he likes
SmallCapPower | September 22, 2016: SmallCapPower spoke recently with newslett...
Beaty sees tremendous potential for copper as well as silver
James McClelland | TSX Media | September 20, 2016: The 6th annual Beaver Creek Precious ...
Her other two junior gold selections gained 71% and 74%
SmallCapPower | September 16, 2016: While the current junior resource bull market began back ...
“Very interesting” factory automation software company with sales up 143% year over year
SmallCapPower | September 1, 2016: On January 29, 2016, Smal...